Legal Stuff

PhotoUpload may be included on magazine cover disks and CD-ROMs without prior permission. Partially because I want PhotoUpload to reach as wide an audience as possible, but mainly because of the attitude of the Japanese Macintosh press who have always requested my permission and sent a copy of each issue. Rest of the world, take note!

If you want to include PhotoUpload, it's still probably a good idea to get in touch to check that you have the latest version.

If you want to distribute PhotoUpload with a commercial product, let me know and we'll come to some arrangement. Individuals are encouraged to freely distribute PhotoUpload and upload it to online services but commercial distribution is not permitted. For-profit shareware/PD software libraries are specifically prohibited from including PhotoUpload on their disks, but genuine user groups are allowed.

Photo Sharing sites are prohibited from distributing PhotoUpload without prior consent from Big Green Software.

The complete PhotoUpload folder including this documentation and the unmodified applications must be included with any distribution.

While PhotoUpload may be distributed in the above cases, it is copyright and not in the public domain. I retain all rights to PhotoUpload. PhotoUpload comes with absolutely no warranty at all. It may cause all sorts of horrible things to happen to your Macintosh. You don't have to use it. If you live in a country where my liability for any problems caused directly or indirectly by PhotoUpload cannot be so reduced to nothing, you may not use this software. Have a nice day!

Copyright ©2000 Big Green Software All Rights Reserved. Commercial Distribution Restricted.

PhotoUpload is a Big Green Software production.